Installing the Premium TV App

Simple to follow instructions.

You may need to enable developer options

Here is some videos you need to enable developer options

Here is a video

Once that's done go to :

Home screen/

Find /

Type: downloader

Click Install 

Then find and load the downloader app/

In the search bar of downloader type :  775940

Then, download the Premium TV app ,

install the app,

allow the app permissions 

We will then give you an account 👍


If you get stuck just message us through the site WhatsApp chat box


Operation Guide: PC / MAC (Logiciel VLC)

1- Download VLC (Download URL

2 – Open VLC player

3- Go to Media -> Open Network Stream.

4- Add your subscription m3u URL that we sent to you and press play

5- Wait for all channels to load (this may take a while)

Choose a channel and enjoy the show

 Push Notifications are disabled



 Add to homescreen
